Orion Klautau

Orion Klautau foto
Name: Orion Klautau
Position/Professional Category: Associate Professor, Tohoku University, Japan
Research project: The Modern Saga of an Ancient Prince: Shotoku Taishi and Japanese Historiography
Keywords: Shotoku Taishi, Japan, Historiography, Religion, Art, Politics
Position(s) within IHA: RG Member [Pre-Modern Visual and Material Cultures] as Visiting Researcher
Contact: klautau@tohoku.ac.jp
ORCID: 0000-0001-8475-9409



Bachelor of History from the University of São Paulo, Klautau received his PhD in 2010 with a thesis entitled “Kindai shisoshi to shite no bukkyogaku: kokumin kokka to sofu sasshin no rekishi kijutsu” [Buddhist Studies as Modern Intellectual History: Nation-state, Clerical Reformation, and Historical Writing], for which he was awarded the International Institute for the Study of Religions Prize [Kokusai shukyo kenkyujo], in Tokyo. His research is mainly focused on Japanese Buddhism between the Meiji and Showa periods. He is, since April 2015, Associate Professor at the Department of Global Japanese Studies (Graduate School of International Cultural Studies) at Tohoku University, Japan, where he supervises doctoral and master theses in the history of religion in modern and contemporary Japan.


Bacharel em História pela Universidade de São Paulo, doutorou-se em 2010 com uma tese intitulada “Kindai shisoshi to shite no bukkyogaku: kokumin kokka to sofu sasshin no rekishi kijutsu” [Buddhist Studies as Modern Intellectual History: Nation-state, Clerical Reformation, and Historical Writing], que recebeu o prémio do Instituto Internacional do Estudo das Religiões [Kokusai shukyo kenkyujo], em Tóquio. A sua área de investigação centra-se fundamentalmente no Budismo Japonês entre os períodos Meiji e Showa. É, desde Abril de 2015, Professor Associado do Department of Global Japanese Studies (Graduate School of International Cultural Studies) da Universidade de Tohoku, no Japão, com orientação de teses de Doutoramento e de Mestrado em história da religião no Japão moderno e contemporâneo.

(data supplied by the researcher)

RG – Research Group